A Python Orientation – How to Get Started

Python is a wonderful language for both beginners and expert programmers, but getting started can be daunting. Which version should I use? Which editors are best? What do you mean there are different implementations and environments? Here’s a guide to help navigate these big FAQs.

How Promotions work in Large Corporations

We are stoked to have Cristian Medina (tryexceptpass.org) deliver our first soft skills article. He will go into depth on the topic of promotions and how to better position yourself as a developer. He will discuss performance reviews, the role your manager can play, networking and much more. Enjoy and keep challening yourself!

My Anaconda Workflow: Python environment and package management made easy

in this article martin provides an easy-to-follow reference guide of his anaconda workflow. he uses this to make his life easier managing the his python environment and package dependencies. and to great avail as you will soon discover. not only will you learn the basics of the powerful conda tool, he also goes into more depth on the more niche/advanced features like using alternate channels, distributing and cloning environments, updating anaconda, and setting environment variables. warning: this might get you on anaconda, and if you are already you probably want to keep this one nearby for reference.