Why Our Python Mentoring Beats the Traditional Coding Bootcamp

If you’ve come across our PDM and PDI programs, you might be wondering: Is this just another bootcamp? And how can it help me become a proficient Python developer? We’re here to demonstrate why our approach is not just different, but more effective and realistic 💡 1. Info overload Bootcamps often have canned training programs,… Continue reading Why Our Python Mentoring Beats the Traditional Coding Bootcamp

Career Development for Programmers

What makes you excel in your career? Become an expert in x, y, z. Sure, you need to learn technical skills, quite a lot of them. However there is a lot more to it. If you want to succeed in your job, business and life, you want to build a portfolio, share your learning, become a reader and a good writer, and last but not least stick to daily exercising. I published this article on my blog 2 years ago and find a lot is still relevant today and will serve our community. I also added an updated towards the end.

How Promotions work in Large Corporations

We are stoked to have Cristian Medina (tryexceptpass.org) deliver our first soft skills article. He will go into depth on the topic of promotions and how to better position yourself as a developer. He will discuss performance reviews, the role your manager can play, networking and much more. Enjoy and keep challening yourself!