Pushing the Packt “free book of the day” to the world with Scrapy and Alexa

I have a love of the goodies that you get as part of the developer rewards from submitting Alexa skills to Amazon. Another thing that I also love is the fact that Packt gives away a free book. What I always forget to do is look at what today’s book is and what I didn’t have was a lot of time to meet this month’s deadline for app submission. Why not combine them both?

PyCon 2018 – My First PyCon

Going into my first PyCon was pretty daunting. Luckily, the Python community is absolutely incredible so my fears quickly faded. Surprisingly, there was a lot to gain that wasn’t actually technical or code related. Read on for a recap of the experience.

Code Challenge 49 – Contribute to Open Source: Clean up Planet Python

Hi Pythonistas, it has been silent on the Community Blog challenges front, but then again we completed the 100 Days of Code in Python course which was a great milestone. Although less frequent, we will keep doing blog challenges though, not to worry! Let’s start with a long pending item: cleaning up Python planets feeds, an interesting and valuable open source contribution.