Why Our Python Mentoring Beats the Traditional Coding Bootcamp

By on 8 August 2023

If you’ve come across our PDM and PDI programs, you might be wondering: Is this just another bootcamp? And how can it help me become a proficient Python developer?

We’re here to demonstrate why our approach is not just different, but more effective and realistic 💡

1. Info overload

Bootcamps often have canned training programs, with loads of resources to consume.

We as Pybites stop this tutorial paralysis having you write code from day one. JIT (just in time) learning for the win!

JIT (Just In Time) learning allows you to pick up knowledge as you go, focusing on application rather than drowning in theory.

2. Not real world

The projects bootcamps offer are practical, but often not very close to what you’ll find in the real world nor very engaging.

While bootcamps may provide practical projects, they often don’t capture the essence of real-world scenarios.

At Pybites, we guide you to build projects you’re genuinely passionate about, resulting in engaging and practical assets for your GitHub profile 📈

3. More breadth than depth

Bootcamps often cram a lot of stuff into a short learning period, making it feel like a “quick fix”.

With Pybites you learn relatively few yet fundamental software development skills that you’ll keep using long after working with us.

We don’t give you just the fish, we teach you how to fish.

To already get a sneak preview of what we deem critical for effective developers, check out our Pybites Developer Flashcards.

4. Lack of critical 1:1 time

Bootcamps often lack personalized attention 😱

At Pybites, individual 1:1 engagement is at the core of everything we do. And this is the key thing that leads to incredible results. No shortcuts!

5. Job guarantees

Bootcamp’s “employment guarantees” may be overstated 🤔

While some bootcamps offer employment guarantees, we believe in honesty. Yes, our coaching greatly boosts your chances of securing a software job. However, we avoid making “guaranteed” claims as employment depends on numerous factors.

Nonetheless, we’re proud that 80% of our job-seeking participants have found roles. Plus, everyone we’ve worked with has gained a significant confidence boost in building Python applications 🎉

We increasingly talk with people that come to us after having done a bootcamp (sometimes multiple bootcamps) and still don’t feel confident in their coding skills. And that bugs us 😥

Are you tired as well of bootcamps that don’t deliver? And are you ready to truly master Python? 🐍

In that case, let’s chat and embark on this transformative journey together. Book us in for a quick chat here 🔥

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