Watermarking photos? “I can do that in Python!”

My wife is setting up a business from home and wanted to protect photos of her work submitted to social media sites and the web in general. “I can do that using Python!”, I exclaimed, thinking I had seen a tutorial showing how ages ago. Laptop open, I set to work and found my bookmarked tutorial. It was using OpenCV2 and even after ~70 odd days of my #100DaysOfCode journey, I didn’t really understand it well enough to configure it myself if I had to make changes. (OpenCV is on my list of things to do after my #100Days). I remembered reading about Pillow, or PIL as it is sometimes known, and started to read the docs for it. Challenge to myself accepted!

How Encoding Works in Python

We all know that the computer cannot store letters or numbers so we need some kind of mapping from these letters/numbers to bit strings (the only thing a computer can understand). One such known mapping is ASCII. If you’re not sure about ASCII and Unicode, let Aviral give you an introduction …