Two-phase registration, consisting of initial signup followed by a confirmation/activation email is a common piece for any web app. In this article I will guide you through setting this up in Django using the Django-registration plugin and Gmail for messaging. Then I show you how to deploy the app to Heroku.
Articles on learning
Step-by-Step Guide on Deploying a Simple Flask App to Heroku
By Julian Sequeira on 21 July 2017
A step-by-step guide on deploying a simple flask app to Heroku.
The Importance of Refactoring Code
By Julian Sequeira on 13 July 2017
In this quick post I discuss why refactoring code is one of the most important parts of the learning process.
200 Days of PyBites, 100 Days of Code and our Next Project
By PyBites Team on 7 July 2017
We did it! #100DaysOfCode is done: 5K lines of code, 100 scripts. Just on the day PyBites turns 200 days. In this article we will share our learning on this major project and announce our next 100 days effort …
From Challenge to Project – How I Made PyTrack, Learning Modules and Packaging
By Martin Uribe on 7 July 2017
This is a guest post by Martin, a passionate Pythonista who turns our code challenges into cool projects. In this article he describes his process of building pyTrack, a simple task time tracker. Not only did he learn various Python modules – PeeWee, Maya and Click – he also stunned us delivering a project with great documentation and properly packaged code.
Flask Web Server Port Mapping
By Julian Sequeira on 1 July 2017
A quick post on Flask App port mapping
How to Write a Python Subclass
By Julian Sequeira on 17 June 2017
In this article I cover Python subclasses and inheritance using a relatable code example scenario.
Flask Sessions
By Julian Sequeira on 2 June 2017
In this quick post I discuss Flask Sessions and provide a few use cases.
Code Challenge 20 – Object Oriented Programming Fun – Review
By PyBites Team on 29 May 2017
It’s review time again. Wow: challenge #20 already! We can’t believe we have worked through so many already. We also keep receiving amazing PRs, awesome!
How to Write a Python Class
By Julian Sequeira on 25 May 2017
In this post I cover learning Python classes by walking through one of our 100 days of code submissions.