Lessons from a Software Developer’s Path: Networking, Growth & Side Projects

Welcome back to the Pybites podcast! Watch here: Or listen here: In this podcast episode, Peter Lynch, a software developer, discusses his journey into web development and his entrepreneurial interests.  He shares his experience of transitioning from a corporate job to pursuing his passion for building his own projects.  Peter emphasizes the importance of networking… Continue reading Lessons from a Software Developer’s Path: Networking, Growth & Side Projects

Cool data side projects and prolific content creation

Listen here: This week we talk with Kristen Kehrer about her journey as a data scientist, developer advocate and content creator. We dive into how she got into DS and what excites her about the field. We talk about her developer relations work at Comet ML, her journey from R to Python, and some really cool data… Continue reading Cool data side projects and prolific content creation

Software Engineering and Entrepreneurship

Listen here: This week we talk with Yujian, software developer and entrepreneur. We dive into: – His background. – Why he uses Python and the switch from Java. – His core Python focus these days + cool side projects he’s maintaining. – How entrepreneurship is fundamentally different from software engineering. – His viral post on certificates vs the reality of looking things up… Continue reading Software Engineering and Entrepreneurship