Last week I learned about lagging and leading indicators and why it’s important to focus on the latter.
Bob Belderbos
Bob studied business economics, but got fired up about programming early in his career. He taught himself web design / coding and started living his biggest passion: automate the boring stuff, making other people's lives easier. Since then he has coded projects accruing millions in cost savings and built a coding platform that has taught Python to thousands of people worldwide. He deeply cares about helping other people succeed. His biggest win will be your next win!
Are You Producing Enough Value? 5 Tips to Boost Your Deep Work
By Bob Belderbos on 24 February 2020
This article is all about getting you closer towards your goals. This weekend I picked up Deep work again. Every time I read it is a revelation. The better you manage your time, the more successful you will become. It all comes down to the amount of value you can produce. And for that deep work is essential.
5 tips that will boost your performance
By Bob Belderbos on 17 February 2020
The following things are relatively easy to do, but also easy not to do. Do them consistently and they can change your career and life.
The Pythonic Fast Lane, Digest of a 30 Min Mentoring Session
By Bob Belderbos on 12 February 2020
The other day I had an awesome mentoring session with a beginner Pythonista, amazing what 30 min of screen sharing can do. Read on to learn more …
How to Instantly Save 2-3 Hours a Day
By Bob Belderbos on 10 February 2020
imagine what an extra 2-3 hours a day can give you. Reading consistently for an hour a day in your field can change your career for the better. An hour of Python coding a day can land you a developer job over time. What about spending more time with your family?
You can now hone your testing / pytest skills on our platform
By Bob Belderbos on 18 November 2019
Writing test code is an essential skill. As PyBites we believe writing code is the only solution to becoming a master (Ninja) at programming. The same applies to test code. For that reason we extended our regular exercises with Test Bites. In this article you will read about the feature showcasing it on our first ever Test Bite. We also share some details around implementation and a challenge we hit getting it to work. Enjoy and start honing your testing skills today!
PyCon ES 2019 Alicante Highlights
By Bob Belderbos on 8 October 2019
Last weekend it was Pycon time again, my 6th one so far. This time closer to home: Alicante. I had an awesome time, meeting a lot of nice people, watching interesting talks and getting inspired overall to keep learning more Python. In this post I share 10 highlights, but keep in mind this is a selection only, there are quite a few more talks I want to check out once they appear on Youtube …
How to Create and Serve Zipfiles from Django
By Bob Belderbos on 8 May 2019
We added support to our platfom for bulk downloading of all your code submissions. This feature required creating and serving up zipfiles through Django. In this article I show you how to do it creating a simple Django app collecting code snippets through the admin interface, and serving them up in a zipfile via a download endpoint. Let’s dive straight in …
Building a Python Tips API with Django REST Framework and Deploying it to Digital Ocean
By Bob Belderbos on 5 March 2019
In this article I will show you how to build a simple API for our growing collection of Python tips. First we make a simple Django app, defining the model. Next we use Django REST Framework to make an API supporting common CRUD operations. Then we will test it out using curl, Postman and Django REST’s browser front-end. Lastly we deploy the API to Digital Ocean so we can start using it via our Slack with a Slash Command, which I will cover in the next article. Sounds exciting? You bet it is! Let’s jump straight in!
Generating Beautiful Code Snippets with Carbon and Selenium
By Bob Belderbos on 26 February 2019
Did you notice our Python tips lately? They looks more sexy, don’t they? That’s thanks to Carbon which lets you create beautiful images of your source code. As much as I love its interface though, what if we can automate this process generating the image for us? That’s what we did and posting new tips to Twitter is now a breeze. In this article I will show you how using a bit of BeautifulSoup and selenium. Enjoy!