How to Parse Hidden HTML With Selenium Headless Mode and Deploy it to Heroku

Ever wondered how you scrape hidden (or JS generated) HTML? Selenium is your friend. Ever wondered how to run it without a browser popping up? Use headless mode. How would you run it remotely? Use Heroku. And how about autoposting to Slack and Twitter? With the right libraries and API setup little code is needed. In this 10 step guide I will show you how to build a Packt Free Learning Notifier which will accomplish all these tasks. Ready to learn some nice automation skills in Python?

How to Test Your Django App with Selenium and pytest

In this article I will show you how to test a Django app with pytest and Selenium. We will test our platform comparing the logged out homepage vs the logged in dashboard. We will navigate the DOM matching elements and more. Overall you should learn enough Selenium and pytest to start testing a web page including a login. Sounds exciting? Let’s dive straight in!

Career Development for Programmers

What makes you excel in your career? Become an expert in x, y, z. Sure, you need to learn technical skills, quite a lot of them. However there is a lot more to it. If you want to succeed in your job, business and life, you want to build a portfolio, share your learning, become a reader and a good writer, and last but not least stick to daily exercising. I published this article on my blog 2 years ago and find a lot is still relevant today and will serve our community. I also added an updated towards the end.

Watch Me Code – Solving Bite 21. Query a Nested Data Structure

I recorded a video solving Bite 21. Query a nested data structure. The exercise presents us with a dictionary of car manufacturers and their corresponding car models. We will extract various bits and pieces from it as well as sort the nested model lists. This is a common type of data structure so specially for a beginner it is important to have this become second nature. Prepare to learn more about looping, some string operations, and list / dict comprehensions.

All You Need to Know to Start Using Fixtures in Your pytest Code

Setting up test cases for code that manage data can be challenging but it’s an important skill to reliably test your code. You might have heard of the setup and teardown methods in unittest. In pytest you use fixtures and as you will discover in this article they are actually not that hard to set up. Fixtures have been labelled pytest’s killer feature so let’s explore them in this article using a practical example.

5 Things we Learned Co-hosting a Live Code Challenge Workshop

Yesterday we hosted PyChallengeDay together with Python Alicante. I am sure the folks that joined us stretched their coding skills. And we learned a couple of things too which we will share in this article. Hopefullly it inspires you to host a workshop yourself to grow the awesome Python community.