Building a Python Tips API with Django REST Framework and Deploying it to Digital Ocean

In this article I will show you how to build a simple API for our growing collection of Python tips. First we make a simple Django app, defining the model. Next we use Django REST Framework to make an API supporting common CRUD operations. Then we will test it out using curl, Postman and Django REST’s browser front-end. Lastly we deploy the API to Digital Ocean so we can start using it via our Slack with a Slash Command, which I will cover in the next article. Sounds exciting? You bet it is! Let’s jump straight in!

First Steps Learning Django: PyPlanet Article Sharer App

In this post I share my first steps exploring Django. I created PyPlanet Article Sharer Django App to make it easier for us to share new Planet Python feed articles. It loads in new articles and generates tweet links. It lets us mark each entry as Shared or Skipped. I am sure this will facilitate our Twitter activity and News Digests. This is our first project of our 100 days of Django and our very first Django app overall!