Rodolfo recently joined our Code Challenges and built Disaster Attention Bot (DisAtBot), a chatbot that helps people affected by natural disasters. In this article he shows how he built this bot with Telegram and (of course) Python. Show him some love because who knows, this could be a life saver (pun intended)! We are delighted to have him show this interesting project he submitted for Code Challenge 43 which earned him a book on chatbots. /Rod please share …
Articles on Tools
Python Testing With Pytest
By Bob Belderbos on 25 September 2017
Review of Brian Okken’s new pytest book.
Improve the Quality of Your Code with Better Code Hub
By Bob Belderbos on 30 August 2017
So you pushed your code to GitHub and deployed v1, congrats! But how maintainable is your code really? Do you have tests? Is your code modular? Are your methods short and concise? What if you could hit a button and a tool conveniently checks this for you? Free and integrated with GitHub? Enter Better Code Hub from Software Improvement Group …
Fully Automate Login and Banner Generation with Selenium, Requests and Click
By Bob Belderbos on 20 August 2017
In part 3 of the PyBites Banner Generator article series I show you how to automatically generate a banner with Requests and Selenium.
Making a Banner Generator With Pillow and Flask
By Bob Belderbos on 19 August 2017
In this article I will take last week’s Pillow script and integrate it into a Flask app.
Using Pillow to Create Nice Banners For Your Site
By Bob Belderbos on 11 August 2017
Running your site or business good chance you A. use promo material like banners and B. you make them manually with Photoshop, Gimp or what not. And yes for anything beyond the basics you probably need those programs. But what if you like to keep it simple and want to semi-automate things? Just an image and text on canvas? Enter Pillow – The friendly PIL fork, which makes this pretty easy. Come explore some of its capabilities with me in this article.
Building a Karma Bot with Python and the Slack API
By Bob Belderbos on 25 June 2017
We love Slack! But what if we can make it even cooler? Imagine: you are geeking out with your fellow developers on Slack and you want to give them credit. Or you can write “stupidsubject–” and it automagically shows “stupidsubject’s karma decreased to -2”. Enter Karma Bot. This is nothing new but building one myself was a great learning exercise and a fun tool we use on our Slack now.
How to Write a Python Subclass
By Julian Sequeira on 17 June 2017
In this article I cover Python subclasses and inheritance using a relatable code example scenario.
How to Write a Simple Slack Bot to Monitor Your Brand on Twitter
By Bob Belderbos on 25 April 2017
In this article I show you how to monitor Twitter and post alerts to a Slack channel. We built a nice tool to monitor whenever our domain gets mentioned on Twitter. The slacker and twython modules made this pretty easy. We also use configparser and logging.
How we Automated our 100DaysOfCode Daily Tweet
By Bob Belderbos on 5 April 2017
In this article I show you a way to automatically tweet your #100DaysOfCode Challenge progress. This saves you some extra time to focus on the coding. Isn’t that all what matters?