For the PDM program I worked on a FastAPI project to track books using the Google Book API and also provide AI powered recommendations using Marvin AI. As the project came closer to deployment, I knew that I wanted to try out containerization for a reliable and repeatable way to deploy. I chose Docker due… Continue reading FastAPI Deployment Made Easy with Docker and
Articles on postgres
How to make a nice graph using Django and Chart.js
By Bob Belderbos on 14 June 2022
In this article I will show you how to make a beautiful yet simple graph using Django + Chart.js. The code for this project is here. Getting the data We are going to plot the number of Bite exercises that get completed per month on our platform. For this I exported the live data from… Continue reading How to make a nice graph using Django and Chart.js
Building a Python Tips API with Django REST Framework and Deploying it to Digital Ocean
By Bob Belderbos on 5 March 2019
In this article I will show you how to build a simple API for our growing collection of Python tips. First we make a simple Django app, defining the model. Next we use Django REST Framework to make an API supporting common CRUD operations. Then we will test it out using curl, Postman and Django REST’s browser front-end. Lastly we deploy the API to Digital Ocean so we can start using it via our Slack with a Slash Command, which I will cover in the next article. Sounds exciting? You bet it is! Let’s jump straight in!
A Step by Step Guide to Implementing and Deploying Two-Phase Registration in Django
By Bob Belderbos on 4 August 2017
Two-phase registration, consisting of initial signup followed by a confirmation/activation email is a common piece for any web app. In this article I will guide you through setting this up in Django using the Django-registration plugin and Gmail for messaging. Then I show you how to deploy the app to Heroku.
Code Challenge 29 – Create a Simple Django App – Review
By PyBites Team on 31 July 2017
In this article we review last week’s Create a Simple Django App code challenge. The Django fever continues …
Twitter digest 2017 week 24
By PyBites Team on 18 June 2017
Every weekend we share a curated list of 15 cool things (mostly Python) that we found / tweeted throughout the week.
Twitter digest 2017 week 20
By PyBites Team on 21 May 2017
Every weekend we share a curated list of 15 cool things (mostly Python) that we found / tweeted throughout the week.